Grupo Ortiz Headquaters Madrid


Headquarters for Ortiz Construction Company in Madrid

During the design phase, the main objectives were to achieve and elegant, functional and optimally energy-efficient building. The building was designed as a series of pre-cast concrete porticoes supporting an extra-clear glass prism where the different functions take place. The porticoes have a twofold work, as structural elements and as sunlight control devices, protecting the inside of the building from direct solar radiation.

Porticoes originate from a perimeter grade beam that transfers loads to basement pile walls. Parking and technical equipment are located on three basement levels, and below these levels an earth to air heat exchanger pre-cools air intake in summer months and preheats in winter before entering the HVAC system. Mechanical and electrical equipment are located on the roof, protected by the double roof below portico beams which provide shade to the entire roof.

3 buildings were erected on individual plots forming a continuous line. As part of an investigation project, different energy savings strategies were implemented in each of the buildings which are being monitored in order to evaluate the effectiveness of each solution.

Awarded ASPRIMA-SIMA Prize 2011 Best Technological Initiative for Sustainable Office Building

Client: Grupo Ortiz
Project: 2007-2008
Construction Date: 2009-2010
Surface Area: 43,200 sqm
Construction Value: 42.82M€
Scope: CD/SD/DD/CS
CD: Concept Design / SD: Schematic Design / DD: Detail Design / CS: Construction Supervision